2024 Summer Bundle Sale ☀️

We have the ultimate resource to help you jump-start summer 2024 the right way and have the most fun possible! ⚡️

For this 2024 Summer Bundle, we have collected some of our newest and most creative resources and massively discounted them! This bundle is sure to equip your summer for success—we believe your students will love these resources.

This bundle, normally valued at $250, has been reduced by 86% off its list price. Why? Because we believe in your ministry, and we want to see it succeed without having to pay an arm or a leg.

Welcome to Youth Group Games!

Coming up with new, fun games for students week after week is tough. That's where we come in!

Each month, we bring together the most creative minds in youth ministry to build premium resources that are powerful, relevant, and easy to use.

We save you time and money by creating youth ministry resources to help you point students to Jesus.

If you like the free games below, you’ll love what’s available in our online store. The same high quality, but with bigger, more substantial content.

Your role as a youth ministry leader is vitally important because you have the privilege of pointing students to Jesus. You get to join in on God’s activity in their lives.

Keep up the great work you’re doing!

– Daniel Maddry, Youth Pastor Co

Helping Youth Pastors Win ⚡

Free Youth Group Games 👇

Youth Group Game for Back to School - God is with you wherever you go.

Youth Group Game for Fun - Cups Up, Cups Down

Youth Group Game for Fun - Four Way Volleyball

Youth Group Game Icebreaker - Shoe Chat

Youth Group Game on Anger - God walks with us through all of our emotions and in every situation.

Youth Group Game on Appreciation - Appreciate all of the blessings in your life and everything God has done for you.

Youth Group Game on the Armor of God - Get dressed, stand firm, and fight!

Youth Group Game on Being Unique - God uniquely created each of us, so we don’t need to be like anyone else.

Youth Group Game on Betrayal - When you feel betrayed, chose to take your hurt to God, instead of getting revenge.

Youth Group Game on Character - Your actions demonstrate your true character.

Youth Group Game on Choices - God can give you discretion, wisdom, and understanding to make the right choices.

Youth Group Game on Compassion - Genuine compassion always leads to action.

Youth Group Game on Creation - Everything was created by God and finds its purpose in Him.

Youth Group Game on Discipline - Discipline helps us grow in our relationship with God and others.

Youth Group Game on Doubt - When life is hard, allow your faith to take the place that doubt could fill.

Youth Group Game on Easter - Easter is an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made and to celebrate His resurrection.

Youth Group Game on Faith - Trials provide an opportunity for your faith to grow.

Youth Group Game on Father’s Day - Fathers will guide, and sometimes correct you, in an effort to lead you in the right way.

Youth Group Game on Forgiveness - We should forgive others because God has forgiven us.

Youth Group Game on Friendship - True friends share joy and pain.

Youth Group Game on Generosity - You are truly rich when you share with others.

Youth Group Game on God's Guidance - God guides us in our everyday life, one step at a time, as we follow Him.

Youth Group Game on God's Love - As you are rooted in your faith, you will experience the fullness of God's love.

Youth Group Game on Humilty - Live well, live wisely, live humbly.

Youth Group Game on Identity - Discover your true identity by understanding who God is and by becoming who He made you to be.

Youth Group Game on Joy - God’s joy dwells in you as you dwell in Him.

Youth Group Game on Judging Others - You will be judged by how you judge others.

Youth Group Game on Loving Others - When we love others, God’s love is shown through us.

Youth Group Game on Making Good Choices - When we fix our thoughts on things that honor God, our choices and decisions will lead to life.

Youth Group Game on Materialism - We should crave the things of God more than material.

Youth Group Game on Obedience - We have joy when we obey God.

Youth Group Game on Prayer - When we talk to God, He hears our prayers.

Youth Group Game on Respect - When we respect each other, we honor the One who created us.

Youth Group Game on Salvation - God has provided the only solution to sin and separation from Himself - Jesus.

Youth Group Game on Serving Others - Serve others because of what you have been given, and not what you can get.

Youth Group Game on St. Patrick's Day - The price God paid for our sins is more valuable than anything on earth.

Youth Group Game on Stress and Anxiety - The only way to overcome stress and anxiety is through Christ.

Youth Group Game on Temptation - We can encourage each other in the faith as we fight against temptation.

Youth Group Game on the Bigness of God - In every moment, God's existence, power, wisdom, and goodness, are being declared by creation.

Youth Group Game on Trust - Scavenger Hunt

Youth Group Game on Wisdom - Seek the things of God and you will become wise.

Youth Group Game on Worry - Instead of worrying about tomorrow, trust God today.