Bible: Hebrews 11:1; James 1:2-3
Bottom Line: Trials provide an opportunity for your faith to grow.
- 2 Poster boards
- Sharpie
- Copy of game questions for leaders (included in download)
- 4 copies of “Remember This” (included in download)
- Prize for the winner
Students will begin this game in four teams of equal size, but then play the second part of the game as individuals.
Each team will need a captain; give them a copy of “Remember This.”
Cut the poster boards in half to make 4 pieces.
On each half piece of poster board, write one letter: A – B – C – D
Now that each poster board has a letter, have someone (preferably a leader) hold each letter and stand somewhere around the room.
Say: Raise your hand if you enjoy taking tests.
Most of us don’t, especially if we don’t have much time to study—we call that cramming, and some of you are really good at it!
Each of you have been placed on a team with a captain who is holding a copy of “Remember This.”
When I say, “Go,” your team captain will read the paper out loud as many times as they can within 3 minutes.
During this time, you will pay close attention to the story and try to remember as many facts as you can.
You are not allowed to write anything down or type anything into your phone.
At the end of three minutes, I will collect all of the copies of “Remember This” and the second part of our game will begin.
You will now play as individuals answering the questions on your own.
At that point, I will begin to ask questions about what your captain read to you.
Each question will be multiple choice.
Take note of the people who are holding the letters A – B – C – D.
After I read the question, you will stand by the letter of the answer you choose.
I will eliminate one letter at a time.
If the answer is “A,” I will say, “Letter B is not the answer.”
At that point, all of the people at Letter B will be out and everyone else can stay at their letter or consider changing their answer—but you will have to do it quickly.
Then, I will say, “Letter C is not the answer,” and you will either be eliminated or you can take the opportunity to change your answer.
Then, I will eliminate Letter D.
Everyone who was on Letter A will remain in the game and continue to play.
When we have 4 or less players left in the game, you cannot share a letter with anyone else, so you will need to hurry to be the first one to arrive at the correct letter.
We will continue to play until there is only one person left and they will be declared the WINNER!
Ask: If I asked you to tell me if you have a lot of faith, what would you say?
Allow a few responses.
You might be wondering if I have a lot of faith.
My response is, faith in what?
The definition of the word, “faith,” means, “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”
So, do I have a lot of “complete trust in someone or something?”?
It depends on who or what you’re talking about.
I’m not trying to give confusing answers.
I just want us to spend some time digging deep into what faith means to us as followers of Jesus.
You see, the Bible defines spiritual faith as so much more than just faith.
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.”
The biblical definition of faith also includes the fact that we don’t have to see what we believe or who we believe in.
Ask: So, let me ask the question this way—how much faith do you have in God?
What’s the difference in the way you answered the question the first time?
Allow a few responses from students. Share a personal experience of how faith has impacted your life.
Now, let’s read James 1:2-3.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
In these verses, we learn that our faith can be “tested” when trouble comes our way.
Ask: How do trials and tough times “test” your faith?
Allow a few responses from students. Share a personal story of when your faith was tested.
Think about this—If your history teacher gives you a test at school, you will have the opportunity to show how well you’ve been learning and paying attention to what you were taught.
Now, for some people, tests are really hard.
Maybe, when the time comes, they get a brain freeze and can’t remember anything.
Or, they get really confused and can’t recall everything they have learned.
Can any of you relate?
That experience can be really frustrating, but every once in a while, you might have a teacher who understands and will allow you to take a test again to see if you can do better.
Think of Jesus as that teacher.
He will allow us to be tested in areas of our faith, but He isn’t waiting for us to fail.
Jesus gives us the opportunity to demonstrate how we have grown in our faith and He wants to see us succeed, even if we failed the first time.
If we don’t get it right away, He is a loving teacher who will encourage us and let us try again.
Ask: So, how can we prepare for “tests” of faith?
Allow a few responses from students. Share how you personally prepare your heart and mind for tests.
We prepare by studying God’s Word and reading examples of others who have experienced tests and learned from them.
Pray and ask God to give you wisdom and knowledge so that when your faith is tested, you know what to do.
And talk to family, friends, and pastors who can help guide you through tests of faith.
God does not want us to face trials on our own.
He has placed people in our lives who can help us when we need it the most.
Think back to the history test.
How do you feel when you get an A, or even when you just pass the test?
It feels awesome!
Compare that to what the Bible says about troubles that test our faith.
It gives us an “opportunity for great joy.”
When you are faced with tough times and you don’t allow them to destroy your faith, you can say you have passed the test!